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Our mission

The IRV was born in the city ofValparaiso, Chile, in 2012, as an association to work in the field of social inclusion of disabled people. From that time to now, we have developed an important number of projects both in the field of health, job placement, educational inclusion, among others. Every year, nearly 2,000 people benefit directly from our services. In Italy we started our first fundraising office for international cooperation this 2022, both for our projects in Chile and in the rest of Latin America.

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have especially affected people with disabilities, returning to similar situations like the ones we saw in the beginning of our business in South America 10 years ago. Millions of people with disabilities have lost their jobs, the opportunity to access school o  quality health services. We cannot be indifferent to that drama that affects people as much as their families.

Today, the new challenges we have as a team is to grow to support people with disabilities from different places from Latin America, which they suffer with exclusion and lack of opportunities.

We are convinced that Italy and the Italians can support us with their generosity. People with disabilities need a better future in Latin America. Your compromise will allow us a more inclusive, less unequal continent, helping us to build a society that is friendlier to people with disabilities.

Don't stay behind. Your generosity is essential for a better world.


Gianfranco Arancibia

Fundraising Director, IRV ets - Headquarters of Italy.

IRV Board of Directors, ets


Paula Arancibia Ray

Degree in Law and Master in European Union Law, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain


Gianfranco Arancibia

Degree in Phonoaudiology, from the University of Valparaiso, Chile.

Master in Fundraising, at the University of Bologna


Diego Arancibia Raggio

Physician, Comahue University. ENT resident, at the Hospital of Clinics, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina


Diego Arancibia Raggio

Physician, Comahue University. ENT resident, at the Hospital of Clinics, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Board of Directors IRV Chile Association 

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Rodrigo Mendoza

Degree in Business Administration, from the Federico Santa Maria Technical University, Chile

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Andrea Zuzunaga

Degree in Phonoaudiology, from the University of Valparaiso, Chile


Felipe Arancibia

Kinesiologist, University of Playa Ancha, Chile

IRV ets was accredited by the Lombardy Region with registration No. 349344 on March 14, 2022 in the section "g"   "Other third sector entities" of the RUNTS.

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